I love lists, check off lists, post-it notes, to do lists, yah, you get the picture! So I have to share with you one of the all time most important lists you should have for you wedding day, bar/bat mitzvah, or any other large event. The "911 bag" a.k.a. wedding emergency kit, is like your survivor bag. Something you don't want to forget!

Are you ready?? Are you prepared?? Feel free to copy and paste this list or print this post.
What is in MY kit:
- clear nail polish & remover
- emery board
- nail clippers
- hair spray (non scented)
- bobby pins
- hair elastics
- hand lotion
- body spray
- mirror
- nail glue or super glue
- hair brush
- baby powder
- corsage pins
- cotton ball swabs & Q-tips
- extra earring backs
- lint brush
- sewing kit, scissors, safety pins
- spot remover
- static spray-or extra hair spray
- duct tape, masking tape, double sided tape, scotch tape
- notebook and pens
- tissues
- moist towelettes (wipeys)
- permanent marker
- dental floss
- mini toothbrush
- mouthwash
- pads/tampons/liners
- deodorant
- sunscreen
- band-aids
- basic first aid kit
- antacids
- aspirin/ibuprofen
- mints
- straws
- light snacks
- mini stapler
- white gloves for wiping or handling glass vases
- nylons
- wine opener
- bug spray
- oil absorbing sheets for face
- condoms
What YOU should bring:
- wedding dress, veil and headpiece
- shoes, hosiery and undergarments
- jewelry
- something old, new, borrowed and blue
- gloves, if wearing
- copies of vendor and bridal party contact list and timeline for the day
- wedding programs, if you haven’t already delivered them to the ceremony site
- wedding favors, if you haven’t already delivered them to the reception site
- marriage license
- roll of quarters
- extra cash
- driver's license/photo ID
- wedding bands and ring bearer pillow
- suitcase, airline tickets and passports if you’re leaving for your honeymoon from the reception
- gift and card for groom or bride if planning to exchange
- gifts for bridal party if planning to give on the wedding day
- copy of your wedding toast, if you are planning to make a speech
- copy of your wedding vows, if you’re writing your own
- envelopes with tips for vendors
- wash cloth
- blow dryer
- portable steamer
- bottled water
- umbrellas (see below)
- extra earring backs
- extra corsage pins
- 5 hour energy shots
Here is a nice bathroom basket filled with goodies!
If you think your wedding may have an overcast forecast or chance for rain, you should prepare and buy a lot of umbrellas. Having matching umbrellas is adorable and this clear style is super simple and chic.
these are so clutch day-of!